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Tasty Quesadillas

BBQ Chicken Chunkies Quesadillas

Recipe BBQ Chicken Chunkies Quesadillas

  • Preparation time 20 min.
  • Cooking time 15 min.
  • Number of persons 4 adults

List of ingredients

  • 16 Flamingo chicken chunkies B.B.Q.
  • 8 corn tortillas
  • 350g of Monterey Jack cheese grated or cheddar and mozzarella
  • 1 green pepper diced
  • 1 chopped jalapeno (optional)
  • Salsa (store-bought)
  • Sour cream (store-bought)


  1. Cook the chicken chunkies in the oven as indicated on the package. Once the chicken chunks are cooked, cut them in half and set aside.
  2. On a work surface, place 4 tortillas and garnish with cheese, diced pepper, jalapeno and chicken chunkies. Top with 4 other tortillas.
  3. Grill in a pan or on the B.B.Q. on medium heat. Turn over delicately until cheese is melted and tortillas are grilled.
  4. Cut in 4 slices.
  5. Serve with salsa and sour cream.